Friday, December 14, 2018

Various Types of Financial Services Offered By Banks

Banks have traditionally been institutions that protect money for their customers and provide an interest on the money that they invest in the banks. Banks nowadays all over the world offer a large number of services to their customers and compete with each other for potential customers. There are traditional basic schemes as well as innovative schemes for customers to help them make more money with their investments. But, as most of us don’t pay attention to these schemes so we are not able to use them.

In this write up we have discussed in detail some types of financial services offered by different banks and their uses for us. Scroll down to know about them.

Some Types of Financial Services by Banks

  • The basic services offered by banks include fixed deposit accounts, savings accounts, safety deposit boxes, and debit and credit cards for their customers. Now a days some of us are using them, but still people in rural areas don’t.
  • One of the main services offered by banks to the general public are loans provided by banks to their customers. Personal loans, business loans, and commercial loans are all provided by banks to their customers at reasonable interest rates.
  • Interest rates are usually decided on the basis of credit scores and there are many types of loans like debt consolidation loans that are offered to customers to help them manage their loans in a better way by refinancing their loans.
  • An investment that provides returns in the form of affixed periodic payment when the security reaches maturity is called fixed income securities and equities. These schemes are very helpful to customers as they encourage savings and also provide security nets for the customers in the future.
  • There are many types of fixed income investments Australia that are available for customers through banks. These include bonds, savings bonds, treasury bills, treasury bonds, corporate bond, and certificates of deposits among others. Fixed income investments are less risky as compared to many other investments but these types of investments generally earn a lower interest rate in comparison to other more risky options.

There are many types of financial services that are available at banks and choosing the right investment opportunities offered by banks is a difficult choice. Customers need to understand different types of financial services offered by the banks to make an informed decision about their financial investments.

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